eMail Subject Lines, the Key to eMail Success

An email subject line determines whether your subscriber will open, delete or reports your email as spam. As a recipientâ??s volume of email increases, the subject line of their emails will be viewed as more of a gatekeeper.

How to Push your Email Campaigns from Received to Read Status

A subscriber will decide whether or not they want to open your companyâ??s email or delete it based on several factors such as: the quantity of email theyâ??ve received, the importance of other competing messages and their own personal or professional time constraints. This entire mental process takes on average, about a half second. However, an effective subject line can push your message from received to read status just as quickly.

Weâ??ve identified key elements in subject lines to improve email marketing campaign success regardless of your industry or niche.

  • Communicate Your Purpose: your subject line should be clear, effectively conveying the content and purpose of your message
  • Keep It Short: the ideal length is six words or less, try to integrate colons or other punctuation to separate your thoughts
  • Incorporate Your Company Name: include your company to promote and reinforce your brand and increase credibility
  • Use Popular Keywords: integrate popular keywords to validate your message
  • Be Honest: develop a subject line that truthfully reflects the body of your email
  • Personalization: use the recipientâ??s name in the subject line
  • Include an Offer: provide a discount or offer
  • Test Client Compatibility: before sending your campaign, test design compatibility across various ISPs

Email marketing subject lines are arguably the most important part of your entire email marketing campaign. Why? If your email is not opened or read, your message was not heard and your product or service will not be sold.

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A digital marketing expert nationally recognized as the â??webdoc,â? and is the technology correspondent for ABC 7 News and SNN6 where he provides technology advice, website reviews and product news.
n email subject line determines whether your subscriber will open, delete or reports your email as spam. As a recipientâ??s volume of email increases, the subject line of their emails will be viewed as more of a gatekeeper. How to Push your Email Campaigns from Received to Read Status A subscriber will decide whether or not they want to open your companyâ??s email or delete it based on several factors such as: the quantity of email theyâ??ve received, the importance of other competing messages and their own personal or professional time constraints. This entire mental process takes on average, about…

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